Thursday 9 March 2017

Don't even think about it - Sarah Mlynowski

"We weren't always like this. We used to be average New York City high school sophomores. Until our homeroom went for flu shots. We were prepared for some side effects. Maybe a headache. Maybe a sore arm. We definitely didn't expect to get telepathic powers. But suddenly we could hear what everyone was thinking. Our friends. Our parents. Our crushes. Now we all know that Tess is in love with her best friend, Teddy. That Mackenzie cheated on Cooper. That, um, Nurse Carmichael used to be a stripper.

Since we've kept our freakish skill a secret, we can sit next to the class brainiac and ace our tests. We can dump our boyfriends right before they dump us. We know what our friends really think of our jeans, our breath, our new bangs. We always know what's coming.

Some of us will thrive. Some of us will crack. None of us will ever be the same. So stop obsessing about your ex. We're always listening."

 Don't Even Think About It is narrated by the chorus of ESP teenagers. The premise worked really well and it was easy to see how the group of classmates became 'we' which I loved. Reading the characters' reactions to their, and each others, new-found talent plus reactions from those who were fortunate, or unfortunate, depending on how you see it, not to be able to hear everyone's thoughts was intriguing. Imagine watching two people who aren't even friends stare at each other meaningfully, in silence, for no apparent reason. Personally it was hilarious.

When Class 10B become telepathic, life gets much trickier to navigate. We like to think that we want everyone to be honest with us. To tell us what we really look like in our favourite outfit, or if we're being embarrassing or stupid or annoying. But do we really? Now everyone knows that Mackenzie cheated on her boyfriend Cooper, that Tess has a crush on her best friend Teddy,and that he's in love with someone else, and that Nurse Carmichael used to be a stripper.

What I really enjoyed about this book is how they all come to terms with this new no-secrecy or privacy world. You won't like all the 'ESPies' but I enjoyed that you get to see everything from multiple points of view. None of the characters are particularly innocent except maybe Olivia, but you will revel in the fact that you get to join their exclusive club.

This book is full of high school drama so don't expect any world shattering concepts but it is a fun, light-hearted and witty book that will keep you entertained. Age rating should be about 12+ as it describes Mackenzie cheating. This book is also the first in a series.

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