Friday 7 June 2019

Freaks, Geeks and Aspergers. Users guide to Adolescents - Luke Jackson

“Have you ever been called a freak or a geek? Have you ever felt like one? Luke Jackson is 13 years old and has Asperger Syndrome. Over the years Luke has learned to laugh at such names but there are other aspects of life which are more difficult. Adolescence and the teenage years are a minefield of emotions, transitions and decisions and when a child has Asperger Syndrome, the result is often explosive. 
Luke has three sisters and one brother in various stages of their adolescent and teenage years but he is acutely aware of just how different he is and how little information is available for adolescents like himself. 
Drawing from his own experiences and gaining information from his teenage brother and sisters, he wrote this enlightening, honest and witty book in an attempt to address difficult topics such as bullying, friendships, when and how to tell others about AS, school problems, dating and relationships, and morality.”
As someone who falls on the Asperger’s spectrum I was interested to read the perspective of a younger Aspergian and thought his advice could be pertinent. 
It was a one day read. It’s short and sweet. The writing is easily understandable, personal and accessible. It isn’t bogged down by facts and doesn’t go into the definition of Asperger’s as so many books start with. I found his insights interesting and found quite a few similarities to our shared experiences and thoughts which was validating and compelling. 
I would recommend this book to younger people with Asperger’s though. As someone older I had already figured out many of his suggestions for myself through experience. I also wouldn’t really recommend to parents as I am sure they will know most of this stuff by just being in your child’s presence unles they are very young and you would like to get a glimpse into their future world. 
Overall not the most scientific or informative book on this subject I have read, but definitely worth the quick read. 
Age Rating 11+. Really suitable for anyone to read.  

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