Wednesday 21 February 2018

The Repossession - Sam Hawksmoor

"Romance and suspense combine in a tense teen thriller that will leave you gasping for more ...

34 kids missing. Vanished without a trace.

Believing she is possessed, Genie Magee's mother has imprisoned her all summer encouraged by the sinister Reverend Schneider. Beautiful Rian, love of her life, sets her free, and their escape washes them up at Marshall's remote farmhouse downriver. But why are there newspaper clippings of the missing kids pinned to Marshall's bathroom wall? And should they believe his stories about the experiments at the Fortress, an underground research station nearby?

Genie meets Denis. Missing two years now, but hasn't grown an inch. Rian is haunted by Renée, who insists she's not actually dead. Soon they discover the terrible truth about Reverend Schneider and worse, Genie is next ... and Rian can't do a thing to prevent it."

Hi Guys, sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Had a long a busy half term.

It's one of those books that are long, 500 pages, however the lengthy journey is not without activity at all times, even when there's nothing happening; when we're not in the thick of things, the fantastic character development turns these characters and their relationships into something that you want to read.  
Going into this book, you don't really know what to expect. The synopsis is very vague which is great. The mystery which ranges from creepy to spine-chilling, is one that every science fiction nerd will definitely find intriguing. Obviously, I'm being vague for the same reason as the blurb, it's best if you know nothing ahead of time and you get to learn of the town's freakishly dark side along with the characters.

I thoroughly enjoyed the scientific elements Hawksmoor introduced simply and without patronising a reader. I also loved how Hawksmoor handled the relationship between Genie and Ri. It was so different from what we’re used to. They were just two troubled kids, one heavily abused and the other “only” neglected, who saw each other as a chance to put it all behind them. Theirs was a young love, certainly, but a true love, not exaggerated, but simple, sweet and entirely believable.

Not one of the best Sci-Fi's I have ever read but enjoyable and the characters make it more than worth while.

Age Rating 13+ Only one gross scene at the end. Also Genie's abuse is quite emotional (nothing overly violent, just controlling) so if that bothers you stay away.

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