Thursday 13 December 2018

Recipies For Love and Murder - Sally Andrew

"Meet Tannie Maria: A woman who likes to cook a lot and write a little. Tannie Maria writes recipes for a column in her local paper, the Klein Karoo Gazette.

One Sunday morning, as Maria savours the breeze through the kitchen window whilst making apricot jam, she hears the screech and bump that announces the arrival of her good friend and editor Harriet. What Maria doesn't realise is that Harriet is about to deliver the first ingredient in two new recipes (recipes for love and murder) and a whole basketful of challenges.

A delicious blend of intrigue, milk tart and friendship, join Tannie Maria in her first investigation. Consider your appetite whetted for a whole new series of mysteries . . ."

When I first read the synopsis of this book and realised it was set in my home country of South Africa I knew I had to read it and I am so glad I did.

Charming and heart-warming, this is a joyous read about a lovely group of women who find themselves in the midst of a murder investigation without meaning to. The main character of Tannie Maria is simply wonderful - I fell completely in love with her. I am so glad to find such a female model in a book these days. She is clever, brave, independent and strong-minded. But at the same time she is very soft, motherly, with an endless ability to give and care for others. She wants to be loved and to love others, she enjoys her creativity in the kitchen and how she can help others and improve their lives with her creations. There is something very authentic, naïve (in the best sense) and beautiful in that. The plot is suspenseful and easy to follow. All in all a great read. Looking forward to reading the next one in the series.

This is a murder mystery with plenty of humour, some of it slapstick, some understated, but readers will find themselves smiling, chuckling and laughing out loud. The romances (there are a few) were all tender and heart warming, but not overpowering. The setting was written beautifully in such subtle way and made me homesick and the food made me hungry and ready to whip an apron on!

Age Rating 13+. Domestic violence is spoken about but never described or viewed. The murder is creepy and there is an unpleasant kidnapping which could upset younger audiences.